Schauenburg Systems offers rescue pack mining devices such as the Roxy 40 Self-rescuer, a portable device designed to provide oxygen for miners underground in case of emergencies.

Schauenburg Systems offers the Roxy 40 Self-rescuer, a self-contained rescue pack mining device that provides mining personnel with breathable air in emergencies, such as underground fires, explosions or gas leaks. This mining safety equipment is crucial for miners to escape hazardous environments where toxic gases like carbon monoxide are present or when there is smoke or a lack of oxygen.

The Roxy 40 Self-rescuer is a ready-to-use device designed for continuous wear on a miner’s waist belt or for strategic placement at evacuation routes. Our mining safety equipment ensures quick access in emergencies, providing essential respiratory protection from toxic gases and smoke. This rescue pack mining device is intended for trained personnel.

Our self-contained rescue pack mining device supplies breathable oxygen through either chemically generating oxygen or a supply of compressed oxygen. It is designed to provide oxygen for about 40 minutes, giving miners time to evacuate to safety or reach a refuge chamber. The Roxy 40 Self-rescuer is typically used in underground mining applications such as coal mines where there is a high risk of fire or an explosion and in locations where external rescue may take time to arrive.

Stay safe underground with our Roxy 40 Self-rescuer, designed for easy deployment in emergencies.

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    Our solutions

    Keeping mining personnel in underground mining applications safe with our rescue pack mining device. Fill out the form or call us at 011 974 0006.

    Why choose Schauenburg Systems?

    With more than 50 years of operational experience in South Africa, Schauenburg Systems specialises in the local design and manufacturing of mining safety equipment for the mining industry. Our mining rescue packs help enhance safety by offering ready-to-use solutions in emergencies.

    Frequently asked questions

    What is a self-rescue device in mining?

    A self-rescue device is a mining personal protective equipment that provides miners with breathable air in emergencies, such as underground fires, explosions or gas leaks. This self-contained rescue pack mining device is designed to help miners survive until they can reach safety or be rescued.

    Schauenburg Systems offers the Roxy 40 Self-rescuer, a mining personal protective equipment. You can get this rescue pack by completing the form or calling us.

    There are two main types of self-rescue devices used in mining, the self-contained self-rescue (SCSR) and the filter self-rescuer (FSR). The SCSR is mining personal protective equipment that provides miners with a supply of breathable oxygen by chemically generating oxygen or by containing a supply of compressed oxygen. Schauenburg Systems offers this solution.

    Enhance safety in underground mining applications with the Roxy 40 Self-rescuer. Complete the enquiry form or call us on 011 974 0006.