Collision Avoidance LEVEL 9 Compliance Audits

Schauenburg Systems continually audits and verifies all Level 9 related development in the SCAS (Schauenburg Collision Avoidance System) Portfolio of products to ensure that our products conform to the highest standards that is expected of a safety critical system that saves lives.

Schauenburg Systems is ISO 9001 certified and utilizes a stringent configuration management system to check and verify each detail in the design, build and execution of our SCAS products. This enables Schauenburg Systems to deliver to best quality to our customers giving them piece of mind that they are in good hands. Part of enhancing this process is our continuous training of our staff on all the Level 9 collision avoidance aspects from the ground level installing and maintaining the systems right up to the senior level to ensure all required safety regulations and good practices are adhered to and implemented accordingly.